Nonsense Tale

By Ashwin.S, 310 Gandhi Nagar

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          Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. He had three sons. Their names were Ashwin, Raman and Bharat. The farmer had one wheat farm, one buffalo and one dog. When the farmer died, the wheat farm was given to Bharat, the buffalo was given to Ashwin. Ashwin wondered what to do with the dog. He said to himself, that he could kill it and eat it for dinner. But, the two brothers said, it is your own dog and you are eating it. You are so cruel. The dog said to Ashwin, "don't listen to your brothers. We can fool them".


          The next day, the dog went to Bharat's wheat farm and ate all the yellow colour. The dog and Ashwin laughed loudly. Bharat asked them. "What is all the laughing about?" Ashwin said, "You ate yellow colour instead of wheat". Bharat was very angry. He tied up Ashwin and the dog. It was very loose because he had no strength, because he had not eaten anything. The two were still laughing.


          Bharat was going to warn Raman. But before that, the two untied the rope and shouted loudly. So Bharat fell down. Then they went to Raman's buffalo. They made a robot buffalo and removed the real one. Bharat came to take the buffalo, to plough the land. He hit the buffalo and said, "Plough the land", Ashwin had the remote control with him. He made the robot buffalo hit Raman. Raman was very angry and he hit the buffalo which was made of glass. So the robot broke into pieces. Raman was very sad. Ashwin and the dog came there with a smile. They put Raman and Bharat into two coffins and put them into a car. They then came back to the yellow farm and lived happily ever after.







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