Managing Time

M.Raj Kumar

Archana, 173, Gandhi Nagar


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Time is most precious in human line. Not only that it is limited for everyone; but once spend, time cannot be retrieved also. The art of managing time is not just the ability to handle increased volumes of work. It also ensures that activities are timed correctly. As the head of your family or as the boss of your team of staff in the office, you can win confidence of your team members as a good time manager.


Researchers have found that people respond better to well planned activities than they do at crises or to unplanned routines. This principle applies well right from your living room in your house, to the military operations at a warfront. The concept of planning time is therefore closely limited to the art of time management. Here are a few tips for good time management.


  • Recognise essential activities in each job and see that majority of time is spent on them.

  • Analyse frequently, the style of your own time management.

  • Apportion your time to various activities.

  • Plan the time that you deal with the most important items when you are at the best physically or mentally (ex: at mornings)

  • Try to decrease the time gradually, for tasks on which you have gained experience.

  • Communicate to others that you do not approve time wasting.

  • If possible, delegate a task (why should you do it yourself)

  • Protect your time from Interruptions.

  • Avoid unnecessary telephone calls - it saves money too.

  • Carefully listen to others - it prevents repetition and wastage of time.

  • Set deadlines for yourself and review

  • Recognise the Biological clock in your body. Are you a lark? or are you an owl?

  • Keep physically fit.

  • Watch your watch occasionally ! It is there !!



Now read: 2102 AD By Avinash.S



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