The Real Teacher


House No.300 B (Director, Geological Survey of India

MAP Compilation Division, Southern Region, Hyderabad-500 068)


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A Saintly figure with knowledge replete

Enticing, enthralling listeners complete

For any question that come to fore-

Answers emanate from the core

And feelings that flow from deep within,

Touching mundane hearts making them benign:

Visions which one would so love,

Moulded nicely with an abstract glow,

Yet with all subtlety that could lead-

A wise head to paths of fruitful deed:

Like a flash of light in a new moon night

Refreshing, cool, serene and great!

And in a surrounding that's ever gloomy,

With those in power practising a game so seamy,

A bright source even from a distance, looming,

Acts a panacea unto morale zooming

Let thoughts about you sustain the very lives

Of those who cruise in nostalgic grace

Of bygone days; deriving inspiration - 

To attain an equation of toil and perspiration !!


Read the next Article: Managing Time




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